

We source our groundnuts from reliable farmers who cultivate groundnuts under natural conditions, ensuring the highest quality of our products. We carefully select farmers who use sustainable farming practices and do not use any harmful chemicals or pesticides. By working with these farmers, we can guarantee that our groundnuts are of the highest quality and are safe for consumption.



The raw materials are passed through a pre-cleaning machine that removes dust, stones, and oversized or undersized groundnut shells. This process ensures that our groundnuts are free of any unwanted impurities and are ready for further processing.

Decortication and Gravity Separation

The decortication process separates the husks from the kernels, and the Gravity Separator removes impurities and separates products with a similar particle size. This process helps to remove any unwanted materials that may be present in the groundnuts and ensures that the final product is of high quality.


Hopper Technology

Hopper technology allows for the discharge of waste solid materials under gravity into a receptacle below the groundnut seeds. This technology ensures that any waste materials are safely disposed of, and the groundnut seeds are free from any unwanted impurities.


Groundnut seeds are sorted through a machine that removes broken, immature, inspected, and split groundnut seeds. Hand sorting is used to remove sprouted, discolored, damaged, and split seeds. This step ensures that only the best quality groundnut seeds are used in our final products.


Grading and Marking

The groundnut seeds are graded into different sizes based on their weight in ounces through the grading and marking process. This process ensures that our customers receive the correct size and quantity of groundnuts that they require.

Moisture Testing

Moisture levels in groundnut seeds are measured through moisture testing, ensuring that our products meet quality standards. This process helps to ensure that the groundnuts are not too dry or too moist, which can affect their quality and taste.



Our groundnut seeds are packed in jute and vacuum bags, which are free of external contaminants like dust, stone, hay, and metal. A metal detector machine is used to check for any metal presence. This ensures that our products are safe for consumption and are free from any harmful substances.